First Appointment
Each therapy starts with an initial consultation session, where the therapist will take a detailed history. Please do be as open as possible about how you're feeling, what you're feeling and tell us everything about your symptoms, concerns or goals. Although your history is very relevant, we also very much treat what we see in the body on the day to get you on the right path.
The first appointment will also include treatment.
Depending on what's required and what you're most comfortable with, recommendations will be shared for follow-up treatments to bring your body back into health or balance or prepare it for a future event.
Ongoing treatments
The following plan is a guideline only, although many patients follow this course, ongoing treatments really do depend on the individual - and is based on how comfortable you feel.
1. A patient will visit us in pain or with a goal - this is the initial consultation with treatment
2. Treatments may be organised weekly for three weeks - improvements are monitored (better sleep, more energy, less pain, less stress etc.)
3. Treatments may be moved to take place once every other week
4. Some patients then move to maintenance, which is when we see them once a month for however long they feel the benefit. Ultimately, maintenance keeps their body in balance
We will work with you as a team to bring your body back into balance - it's really important that you carry out any recommendations provided to you by your therapist in-between each treatment so that we achieve what we're setting out to do as quickly as possible.